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The greatest blessing that Garba and Raas events bring are those participating in these happenings, with people of all sexes from the age of two to the age of eighty and over,  all gathered in one place for an evening of spinning and swaying,  dancing and playing

dreaased for the dance


Devotion for the elders, devotion for the divine, devotion for the happening. Romantic representations for the youth, religious themes for the older,  philosophy and arts for the learned.
Goddesses for the assurance of wealth and prosperity for the business minded joining Goddesses of power and strength for the weak and Goddessess of wisdom for the unaware,  in being worshipped by clapping circles and battles with sticks
All wrapped up in fun and laughter. Something for mostly all, especially the adorned princesses, the prancing princes, not to mention some glittering queens

welcome to the happenings


Apart from the joy of the dancers, the non dancing audience, can if they are well looked after, bring a great deal of joy and appreciation to the event.
According to the heritage of Garba, the onlookers are an integral and important part of the spectacle. The audience also has to be saturated with the radiant devotion and excitement of the event
The people who engage in Garba and Raas have different and diverse occupations and interests, varying beliefs and attitudes, however this dance and its music, are a unique and common embrace

beaming faces


Of course the best dancing styles have to be chosen to make the most of this exuberance
The whole wonderful world of dance is there to delight, thrill and inform the youth and they have the chance to select from many amazing confections and be off and away



Children are generally told to behave and keep still and their natural exuberance is dampened.
Children having fun, running around, jumping, twirling, and a leaping?
God forbid !
Children do not generally get the chance to dance and prance in abundance.
Children are full, of suppressed energy seeking release. That is why they like to play and jump around. Dancing is by far the best activity to release this energy as it allows them to express themselves freely without risk of harm.

OMG  the kiddos are here


Amongst the choices are of course Garba and Raas dances …
At which many children are flowing and fluttering beaming and grinning, smiling and playing, enthralled by the extravaganza, enchanted by the dancing, surprised at this devotion, gazing in wonder at the spectacle and splendour

becos  i love garba

all ages and sexes


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